Friday, 30 December 2011

2: Friday the 30th December 2011

A day of painting! not the picture kind but the small model kind, today was the Swooping Hawkes of Eldar.  Sounds kind of epic don't they? But they take time to paint well and I still don't do a fantastic job but its very theraputic. 

Good to have a day off at last and finally shut off the to do list.

Score: 7.5/10

Thursday, 29 December 2011

3: Thursday the 29th December 2011

A visit from family, presents from a far away aunt and an amazingly long day staying up to see Cloudane home at 1am!!!!

I am especially glad I didn't get a job at the cinema so long ago.

only the rest of today and two more days before the start of 2012. I was recently asked what my plans were for the year and I instantly thought of next year. But then realised they meant this year. These last few days and a celebration. But I have no plans. 

Question... is the celebration for starting the new year or finishing the last?

Score: 6.5/10

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

4: Wednesday the 28th December 2011

First ponder of the day: I think by accident I am actually completing the a-z of jobs... a strange concept from the year I graduated. 

  • Customer service/call centre 

  • Library assistant

  • Retail grunt 

I know its only three and I intend tobecome a fully fledged librarian if not first aid trainer. 

Second ponder: I wonder if I could design and make a trouser/dress/suit thing in the old style like merlin era or oriental.

Third ponder... I still don't like the first Trek movie but watching it with others isn't so bad

Score: 7... this in between time is a nightmare of inaction and confusion

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

5: Tuesday the 27th December 2011

Shopping and buying nothing is a novelty. Well in that the sales seem to not exist. I have no idea what the crowds out there are buying. Or maybe there is just nothing that I am needing. It's a nice thought really. 

Here's hoping everyone had a great time with friends or family or a combination for it these that are celebrated in this more secular world and they are honestly invaluable.

Score: 6.5/10... too many thoughts of the new year in my head. It's like the room full of directionally confused stairs in there.  This inbetweenie bit is clearly the time for contemplation, change and path finding.Good luck to all.

Monday, 26 December 2011

6: Monday the 26th December 2011

A big family meal and much busyness. litterally dropped asleep as soon as I returned.

Score: 7/10 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Edit: This is what we built yesterday :D it even glows in the dark!

Sunday, 25 December 2011

7: Sunday the 25th December 2011

I'm officially a grown up as I did not wake to past 8! but still it was great fun seeing the presents opened and relaxing for the day. Got lots of new wii games and while some I'm not repaired enough for yet I can definately play the others! 

Here's some pictures of the dino egg. The simpist present but one of great amusement. Thank you to the giver.


Score: 8/10 dinner cooked for me with gravy and sprouts. Awesome!!!

Saturday, 24 December 2011

12 -8 : Tuesday 20th all the way to Saturday the 24th December 2011

Wow would you believe it. Even having all of Christmas sorted a week or two ago I've still been busy all week with visiting my only auntie (and having a very nice dinner), cleaning, tidying, going to my first 'social cinema' event at the phoenix. regrettably it did not finish until gone midnight which meant a taxi home when I was asked if I was going to 'trust' Christmas... very odd.

But somehow it still seems a little empty like something is missing... besides the vitamin D ofcourse. Sorry that had to be said. I've read one cracker joke and my sense of humour has de-evolved. 

I am now begining to wonder what to do next year. Push really hard on the library front or learn to drive to get a First Aid teaching job. 

Score: 3 - how dull is this post! 

Monday, 19 December 2011

13: Monday 19th December 2011

It truely is the festive season. Dinner at mum's and christmas movies. But that means there is not much more to write. Though I have realised how few days there are left until the end of the year. I also realised how this nation seems to come to a stand still at this time of year. I mean if you want to do something new and exciting there are not many options, are there.

Maybe we should take a leaf out the candadians books and get more into winter sports, and sort the transport system out so it can cope with snow. [random rant of the day I reckon]

On a random note I am hatching the dino egg I got yesterday. Just a toy  of course but its kind of fun seeing the chemical reaction and waiting to see the final thing. 

Right time to try and think of some random things to try in these last few days. That's scary... sounds a bit empty. What can you do in the last days of December? 12 hole days and the rest of today...

Score: 8/10 what next?

Sunday, 18 December 2011

14: Sunday 18th December 2011

A happy day, a happy gathering. What more can be said. Food, friends games and a bit of music. 

Thank you to everyone that made it. I'm no going to stop tidying and go sleep I think... though I may hatch the dino egg hehe

Score: 8.4/ 10. (would have been higher if no one was missing)

Saturday, 17 December 2011

15: Saturday 17th December 2011

I never knew how awesome the southfields library was. Basement, theatre... very cool. besides that nothing much today besides setting up for a gathering.

For the first time the festive season is making me notice friends and how valuable they are. Maybe one day trek worthy friendships will be plausable...

Score: 6/ 10 - did nothing new but did make a discovery so not a total loss.

Friday, 16 December 2011

16: Friday 16th December 2011

What a busy day! Or rather, a long evening, dressed in my baseball outfit I headed to the Phoenix for SBL's and section 31's Christmas meal. Was a fun night yet as predicted I wasn't there to enjoy but host, and that is what I enjoy yet I fear I have lost the skill. But thats another days thoughts.. For now I'm getting ready for annother shift at Pork Pie Library. Have you ever been? I'm not sure it looks like a pork pie and it's actually southfields library but very few people call it that.

Anyone know where it got its name from?

I've decided it being christmas isn't an excuse for doing nothing new or interesting.

Score: 7/10 Bonus! I got a present delivered by a robot! (When I eventually realised the name tag was for me) Thank you Mark, 

And a massive thank you to Paul, nat and jamie for all their help and Richard from Retroactive for making it an awesome night.

(oh if anyone got a picture of my costume could you email me?

Thursday, 15 December 2011

17: Thursday 15th December 2011

I really should write my blogs when I get home in the evening but to be honest I am usually asleep by then. So instead I find myself struggling to remember what I have done. 

I know this day, Thursday I went for feedback on an interview and discovered I got down to the final four which was good. I also saw mum, went to my course and ticked too many of the dyslexia symptoms in a lesson on communication. Also went to a friends then home. Haven't watched the final apprentice yet ... 
The annoying thing is a remember there was something I really wanted to write here but can I remember what it was? Nope.  Though I have noticed that an aweful lot of people seem to be really ill or tired. Actually more so than when swineflu hit...

Will ponder the missing thought.

Score: 6.5, no actually 7. Got a good deal and found the last present of the season.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

18: Wednesday 14th December 2011

So what have I done today? Brought the last part of my costume... some blue football socks to go over my wonderful anti-bloodclot stockings as I call them. The particular brand I have been given can be found here but their website explains an aweful lot about them that the doctors never really went into.

For instance they help with preventing/decreasing varicose veins, inflammation of the veins, thrombosis (blood clots), and venous ulcers... all by compressing your legs to improve blood flow back up them. I wonder why all socks are not designed to do this?

Any way thats all gloomy since I have to wear the very difficult to put on stockings until april 2013! 
No matter. I also brought 4 colours of icing for cupcakes. one set requires just the yellow and midget gems, the other red, white and black. Can you guess what they are?

Score: 6/10 it would have been a 7 but the cold got in the way too much.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

19: Tuesday 13th December 2011

Two new things today :D 

I made a potato rostie with bacon. ok the potato and onion came in a pre-packed/diced pack but I still chopped the bacon and fried it. Nice but I need practice and to figure out what to put with it.

The second new experience was going to the gym... for a personal training session! It was odd. I was expecting to get there and the assistant not know anything of arthritis and hip operations but he had a vague clue so we went from there and his specialty is matching machines/exercises to what you want to improve. Mimicking. I found machines I'd never even seen before. Ones to help with strengthening hip muscles, and one for my arms that mimics using crutches in a way. Definitely worth the hour and I didn't feel stupid or embarrassed at all (even wearing my marvel heroes t-shirt lol) 

Score: 7.5/10

Monday, 12 December 2011

20: Monday 12th December 2011

Plans are coming together slowly no matter how many 'bumps' the 'verse throws at me. So HA! things will work.

On a more random note, I found some of my old character creations/avatars...

 It makes me want to get out the sketch book again.

Score: 6/10. determination gets you a long way.

Sunday, 11 December 2011

21: Sunday 11th December 2011

Oops,  meant to go to the gym today... instead finished decorating then became very dissapointed, then neutral again.

we had a gathering planned, and the SBL one planned with an awesome costume for Cloudane (AKA tom). But the wonderful world of work means he can come to neither and this really annoyed me. We were both looking forward to the events and now they will not be the same at all. 

But I'll have to get a photo of the costume on here... it's worth getting feedback on to make the next even better!

And if anything we can adapt. It's a good use of the logic "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one" know to me from Star Trek. I mean the party must go on right? so Friday will be party time for SBL.

 A philosophy of mine is alo from star trek, a show that really got me through secondary school and formed quite a bit of my personality or psych.... "I.D.I.C." Infinate Diversity in Infinate Combinations. Basically the more of a mix a nation/planet/ team/ group is the better, and we should strive for diversity. To be everyone fits somewhere and has a skill they just have to find it.

In a different train of thought I was amused today when my online shopping site sent me a useful email. It introduced me to a site with free and rentable tv and films that can be used with any online device. worth checking out in my books. Also started work on a present for a baker who has everything. Fingers crossed it comes out ok. 

Ever so sleepy, and I just realised that the sleepier I am when I write this or the more coffee I've had the more random and abstract the blog becomes...
Score: 6.5/ 10, off to read comments now :) and add a picture of the lego tree

Saturday, 10 December 2011

22: Saturday 10th December 2011

Not so much of a list done today but a great/funny day spent at mum's fixing the pc with Caliban. Then back home for sorting of lego (still not sure why I'm doing that) and playing the QI boardgame. If anyone understands how it's scored please let me know...

Score: 7/10... fun times are the next best thing to doing something new

Friday, 9 December 2011

23: Friday 9th December 2011

My baby sister turned 19. Wow. I still remember her bouncing in the baby boucer attached to the door frame, and getting a school uniform for the first time. How odd it is to think she's now a grown up...

Went to Magic today. It was a standard tournament which means cards from only 5 particular series are allowed and I haven't made a deck that qualifies so used a shop made one. It was useless! and shameful. But I'm definately a better loser than I was even a year ago. I'd have had a paddy and never played again.

I also feel good because I got a complete to do list done. It's amazing how clear my head is when a list is completed. Then again I soon create more things to do. They even include friends sometimes rather than just chores as many assume. Today Nat appeared and collected a club t-shirt. Good to chat, though I reckon I still chat too much. 
Anyway off to sleep.  Maybe I'll play some magic with my own decks this week 

Score: 7/10, not much of the year left is there... 

Thursday, 8 December 2011

24: Thursday 8th December 2011

Another Thursday and another PTTLS course. It's getting close to 'performing my micro teach and I still havn't quite decided what it'll be. But I will need volunteers to be my practice audience.... Nose bleeds, slings, 999 calls, recovery position, choking etc got to pick something that can be taught in 15 minutes.

What else did I do today... Oh the interview. for a job I'd actually love. Library assistant at my old library of over ten years, the library where I started SBL,  with hours that would let me continue SBL, nd maybe even pick up my archery and red cross again. Also minutes from my mum's house and only two buses to get to in the mornings. But alas I did not get it though I did get to the final 4 so thats something and the person who called said she really liked my interview and another said they would like to work with me some time so who knows. 

Score: 6/10. Part of me wants to be in a bad mood but then part of me is like 'whats the point in that?'

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

25: Wednesday 7th December 2011

Yawn... 1 present left to buy, one left to make, many left to wrap. It's really worth it giving people gifts especially those you really want to thank just for being great friends. Shouldn't really give presents because you think you have to though.
Also had a trip to ye old sweet shop at the top of the market. The only sweetshop I go to because they really know what customer service means, unlike some sweetshops that are expensive to boot.
Interview tomorrow, and with the feedback from the last my only worry is that I don’t limp too much. Maybe I need to go to the gym again or get back into a routine of stretches and exercise. I hope it’s (hip) poor ‘quality’ is simply down to not keeping up exercise everyday. Maybe I should watch more karate kid? Always inspires me to train…
Uuummm looking at this my mind is wandering in many directions. Time for sleep I think.

Score: 6/10 - took me seriously too long to walk around town.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

26: Tuesday 6th December 2011

hehe a silly day ending in a new lego construction. I cannot believe that it's taken me 27 years to eventually make a lego xmas tree! How better to decorate and cheer up the gloomy months as we discovered is one of the main reasons for decorations.


Score: sleepy 6/10

Monday, 5 December 2011

27: Monday 5th December 2011

A simple day of shopping until mums pc required fixing. A funny event and a nice sausage butty.

Score: 7/10 - a nice simple day

Sunday, 4 December 2011

28: Sunday 4th December 2011

OK so the pain wasn't the usual pain. Suddenly I found myself back unable to walk just like the week after the op. 4 or 5 hours in A and E and they cannot determine whats wrong so referred me to my surgeon again but they rules out another blood clot so that's something.

Also realised just how dedicated Tom is. He actually sat through those horrible hours with me...

I kept myself entertained with the idea that Space Marines would come to Earth and make an agreement with the Governments thatsince they needed a high class of servants and skilled humans for their army they would ask for volunteers from the sick or injured. For one years service they would fix your ailment. Imagine a giant 7ft space marine walking around the Leicester Royal infirmary with a clipboard. 

Would you go? A year as an ambassador between space marines and earth or doing the jobs being so big makes impossible to fix my hips... where do I sign.

Also wanted to make a Lego Christmas tree but way too tired and sitting on the floor really wouldn't work. Heh funny the kind of brain that contains these two thoughts.

Score: 5/10 Ow!

29: Saturday 3rd December 2011

and the decorations are up! I wonder why people decorate...?

and the answer is... tradition. Another illogical human trait that cannot be exactly traced. But it's far better than the village that still slaughters whales every year because they're related to vikings who did it. The vikings had a reason to. Food being the main one but these modern day decendants have no BLOODY need. Excuse the pun if you like. It's shameful. Tradition should not come before life or logic.

Rant over.

And on a happier note had a great evening with two friends (was in pain thanks to the wonderful hip of mine but hey whats new) it was a fun time playing games and talking geeky talk celebrating a birthday. 

Score: 7.5/10 - may have been an 8.5 except the pain really hurt...

Friday, 2 December 2011

30: Friday 2nd December 2011

A day of more shopping but more importantly I got my feedback from the last library interview. Simply put I got all the information but needed to be more indepth. Just shows how out of practice is am. 

I also made a decision. I want to learn to drive.

What finally made me see the logic? Well I haven't I still think its stupid when the planets in such a state but I have not only been refused a job... My application wasn't even accepted for lack of a license! Research will commence. 

Score: 6/10. Who knows where this day will lead

Thursday, 1 December 2011

31: Thursday 1st December 2011

A nice chilled day shopping with mum, got a bit annoyed at one shop who said store A had 5 of a particular toy but couldn't find any, store b had 4 but couldn't find and and the nearest store with any was syston! 

Luckily I went by store B and checked myself and there it was! Fools! even worse I found it in the original shops window when going home!!! grrr but no matter. 

The PTTLS session was good starting to work on Micro teaches. a 15 minute session we have to teach I'm trying to decide which bit of first aid to cover... most likely option so far is nose bleeds. Don't worry no pictures will appear... 

score: 6/10

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

32: Wednesday 30th November 2011

Last day of November and surprising I keep being told by stuck up sales staff they have their shopping done already! is this a new strategy? Sorry but it will not make me deviate from the list.

Only one or two more  bits to get and we're set. other than xmas fever looks like I didn't get a job at the library (probably not wise to mention possible improvements in the interview) and come to think of it probably too many hours anyway. This hip and scar are still not right!

Score: 5/10, not much really...

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

33: Tuesday 29th November 2011

Xmas shopping#1 A massive long list and a trundle (suitcase) and we only got half done. Its a good thing we like giving presents :P 

Did watch an xmas movie and fancied making a green and red hat afterwards, but somehow I don't think so. I'm going to now pass out into sleep ready for day 2

Score: 5/10 - if only shopping was more fun

Monday, 28 November 2011

34: Monday 28th November 2011

Essay number 3... equality and diversity... another all day job... but an interesting one. Do not worry I shall not post it. But I did make my own model of how learner diversity effects the different tasks of teaching. 

Score: 6.5 -7/10

Sunday, 27 November 2011

35: Sunday 27th November 2011


Well sort of, I knew where we were going and had been trying to get there for a while... Today was the day and we made it Warhammerworld in Nottingham. That's right. A major geek attraction right here in the eastmidlands and it's not bad either. Better if you play the game and take an army I guess but just the hall of fame and castle themed hall and lifesize space marines are worth seeing. 

Score: 6/10. Tiring. Very tiring but never got lost (one street out doesn't count)

Saturday, 26 November 2011

36: Saturday 26th November 2011

Another SBL event and I wonder why I still enjoy organising events. Seems alien to others but what the hey. Captain Sam I am lol 

Oh and there is nothing wrong with the Mario Bro movie... except maybe the fungus father. 

Back at home mum helped put up some pictures and now the house looks more grown up. Until I decorate for xmas with Pokemon and warhammer... 

score: 7/10 good times but would have liked seeing more of the old faces....

Friday, 25 November 2011

37: Friday 25th November 2011

A totally chilled day and when my mind chills it soon craves a project. This time I emded up making pizza from scratch :D My dough looked like proper dough which shocked me lol even better me and Tom tag teamed it though you will never catch me eating a prawn pizza! 

And here's the secret project I completed the other day...cheesy I know but it made smiles

Score: 8/10 

Thursday, 24 November 2011

38: Thursday 24th November 2011

Don't you just love it when a present is perfect for a friend :D I do. I Love giving presents and today I picked up the a perfect pressie.

if I ever won lots of money (impossible as I don't gamble) the world would be a better place...

  • I'd make use of the empty desolate field next to my old secondary school and make it into a solar farm with very interactive and useful school links to create the solar engineers of the future and provide power to the surrounding estate. Any school I could find would become solar powered and I'd set up a fund or charity including a research development site to make as many things solar as possible.

  • I'd buy all my family houses :) (solar powered ofcourse)

  • I'd build a geek themed hotel e.g. decorated trek, gate, firefly style etc possibly above a geek department store generating loads of jobs and I wouldn't be afraid to take on apprentices.  This would also provide a free venue to community clubs. 

  • I'd also like to rescue and restore old/classic buildings

  • I'd buy outright the Secular hall or get my old sensie a big shop in the city centre if he wanted it.

and there are another million projects in my head :D 

but it's not likely to happen... though I wont stop trying

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

39: Wednesday 23rd November 2011

'wrap your head' hehe a quote from a funny movie...and possibly a new phrase.

Anyway as I mentioned its vitamin D's turn under the microscope. Turns out my level (15 nmol or some such measurement) is classed as a severe defficiency and supposedly it is a very VERY common occurance in Leicester. So for those of us in the city with a curious or worried mind here's what I've figured out beyond the fact that vitamins are a major issue:

Symptoms in adults

  • symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are often very nonspecific or vague
  • in severe deficiencies the classical (typical) symptoms include bone deformities. 
  • General vague aches and pains are the common symptoms.
  • In more severe deficiency, there may be more severe pain and also weakness. This may lead to difficulty standing up or climbing stairs, or can lead to the person walking with a 'waddling' pattern. This is known as osteomalacia.
  • Bone pains may develop and are typically felt in the ribs, hips, pelvis, thighs and feet.
  • in kids it can cause rickets which I've heard mentioned before... 

 Who gets it?

Any one, but particularly  "People with pigmented (dark coloured) skins. This includes black and Asian people"

How to solve it?

According to that site we get about 90% of our vitamin D from sun exposure and its reaction with the chemicals in our skin, and this is lucky as food barely contains any. The funcky thing is we can store it for later else who knows what would happen in the winter! 

The solution for a defficiency would seem to be suppliments which I'm off to get tomorrow. Hopefully they will contain b12 too as it was suggested I stop the multivitamin.

The scary thing is I may have had this forever! Think about it, I'm part asian, I've always been small, I've had arthritis forever and thats basically the aches and pains mentioned and my recept HIP operation was because it had become deformed over the years. And I'm a geek so stereotypically not outside much...

Thankfully my deficiency was found while checking the b12 levels else it would have gone undiscovered I hope it's not too late for me... I do wonder if this is the cause of my hip trouble and if so why couldn't someone have spotted it sooner!!!!!!! I reckon some kind of machine that lets you check your physical stats at home would save the nation. Literally. Maybe something using a drop of blood like the new Warfarin checker thing. It could tell you vitamin levels and I bet there are other checks that could be included.

Scary stuff really... 

Score: I have no idea...

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

40: Tuesday 22nd November 2011

I think I'm actually begining to get into a gym going routine at last! I'm also sad enough to have considered a reward scheme / visual representation and reminder as encouragement in the form of gold coins (not the chocolate variety)

Other than that I can't remember what I actually did...wait! Physio, collected club t-shirts, gym, home, mario kart.

Phew! That was scary for a moment. Maybe thats why the doctors want to talk to me about my vitamin D. Yes it was my b12 that was an issue now it's D but an interpretation of doctors notes by the reception staff who didn't even know the date failed to fill me with confidence. So I have an early morning appointment tomorrow with an actual doctor.

Score: 7/10 many things done, including another secret seasonal craft project

Monday, 21 November 2011

41: Monday 21st November 2011

Today... lets see. I finished the essay in record time finally having a clear head. Unfortunately I realised it's not long until the next is due on an even vaguer topic of disability and discrimination and equality etc. 

I was at Highfields library today, and actually managed to get the kids section resembling normality and a place of knowledge again rather than a bomb site. It was just what my head needed instead of an arguement about whether vouchers count as an out of pocket expense when splitting the cost of something. Right now I am in the tearing of limbs frame of mind so I am off to try and shush my mind...

Score: 5/10: well duh! and these scores are getting lower!

Sunday, 20 November 2011

42: Sunday 20th November 2011

Today I figured I'd wait for responses to my requests for information to help finish the essay. This left me with a gap in the schedule. I was going to go to the gym but saying I slept past 9 that wasn't wise. Instead I cleaned out the green house ready for winter. 

I then played pointless computer games (it was about all I was up to after that mammoth task) and then chilled at a friends watching the end of Falling skies. Not a bad series so to speak but predictable if you've watched a few 'oh dear hostile aliens have landed' type shows/films. I like the twist though about the harnesses.

Score: 7/10 I got a big task off the list :)

Saturday, 19 November 2011

43: Saturday 19th November 2011

Well today I woke up and wrote until my brain turned to mush. An essay for PTTL's and even at a tiny 1500 words my brain hurt.

Discuss and evaluate the role, responsibilities and boundaries of a tutor, the importance of record keeping AND relevant legislation... in less than 2000 words... sheesh

I got to the point where I couldn't string a sentence together and left it for the night.

Score: 4/10 - hope it’s worth it.

Friday, 18 November 2011

48, 47,46,45 and 44: Monday 14th -Friday 18th November 2011

Ok Ok I got really distracted with everything else and sleeping. To be honest after completing the Mage costume nothing much really happened. 

Did a shift at the library without any senior staff. Had an interview for a permanent library job though I'm not entirely sure I can physically manage the hours yet. Can't remember Wednesday, and thursday was awesome hanging out with a mixture of family and friends until the evening when I nearly passed out again. The last time I was in a Red Cross building which was handy. This time I was at the PTTLS course so not so good. 

This morning I'm upright and functioning enough to print sbl tickets and key rings and get together all the stuff needed for construction night. 

Wish me luck and lucozade :P

Score over all... 6/10. : Right now I'm wishing for an alien invasion or the discovery of a stargate

Monday, 14 November 2011

49: Sunday 13th November 2011

Maybe I should get a camcorder? or one of those extreme sports ones you can attach to a helmet/hat. Then again my last big purchase and the biggest of the year as far as I can remember has been a bit of a flop. The wii... like many I played it once or twice and now it sits there. But I have been amazingly busy and I'm not one for playing games on my tod. 

Does anyone know where that phrase "on my tod" came from or just the word tod...

Score 5.5/10 Spent way too long and way too much energy finishing the black mage project...

Saturday, 12 November 2011

50: Saturday 12th November 2011

Half way! ish... and I did a lot of ish-y things which equated to not a lot. But in fact had a good time chilling with a friend and watching Falling skies. Who ever told me I should watch it, thank you. It's not half bad.

However I really am begining to think I should re-evaluate the worth of productiveness compared to quality of activity...

Score: 7/10...

Friday, 11 November 2011

51: Friday 11th November 2011

WOOOOOOO! Got my photo's online. Simple really, I took the memory card out of the phone like suggested and convinced it to talk to the lap top.
Also went to the gym for the first time by myself. cheated and played my DS on the bikes.

Just realised a) I know some cool people but unfortunately they only know me as the captain and b) its surprisingly tempting to include smilies in my writing. Does that mean it's becoming a language? and c) it's bloody cold out. 

Score: 7/10 except for a mild 'meh' feeling that requires locking up

oh and I also got my hair cut the other day but hated it so much I went back today and they 'fixed' it. The only issue now is will I be able to replicate the salon hair?

Thursday, 10 November 2011

52: Thursday 10th November 2011

For once I actually have been pondering today. Many of my ponders I forget or file away for further thought later some I think about for a while.

For instance a reoccurring thought revolves around individual transport for both 'able bodied' people and those of us that need to adapt in some way or other. I mean how 'old' and demeaning are mobility scooters and wheel chairs? (Not so bad if you've got a high tech or sports chair... but still?) and how about those who just can't walk that far but can manage a bit. Would you take their walking away from them totally? how wrong is that! I can tell you any bit of freedom is worth fighting for.

The other day I caught myself designing a 3 wheeled device...vehicle... contraption... thing! Looked something like a mix between a gold bag on wheels, a wheelchair, and a moon buggy all kind of in an exoskeleton style... had a name for it too but that I'll keep to myself just in case. The big thing was it wasn't seen as an 'aid for the disabled' with all the negative connotations. anyone could use it! 

I've also thought of buying a milkfloat and making it solar powered, and revisiting the sinclair C5 idea. Just never learning to drive as the cost of lessons, car, mot, parking, fuel, etc is way too high short term and the long term cost of the planet is a definite consideration. Can't someone make a car that uses CO2 from the atmosphere? 

I wonder if anyone has ever thought of making a semi auto wheel chair (sports style of course) so that you can manually push yourself or use a kenetically charged motor when you're too tired? or any kind of non petrol motor I suppose.

oooh I like the idea of a motored recumbent bike... look up recumbent bike if you haven't a clue...

Score: 6/10. I also brought some stuff online which always makes me feel up to date and I'm more determined that ever to go to the gym 2 if not 3 times a week. So far that habit has eluded me.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

53: Wednesday 9th November 2011

Today was both productive and horrible at the same time. 

I was up early and found 2 components to a fancy dress costume (and the shop made a pricing error so I got one really cheap. Did feel guilty but they make enough money as it is.)

Met Chris and handed over SBL tickets (we're havng an awesome xmas event - fingers crossed)

met mum and nin, had food... egg instead of ham sandwich for once.

and the horrible bit... I had my hair cut. It's a nightmare! I hate it everytime because I'm yet to find a stylist who can handle thick hair and not make me look like a boy. Oh well. Good job I have lots of hats. it's not too bad this time but as usual I can't get it to look like the stylist made it look. Oh well at least it's not a phobia... no fear involved just hatred.

score: 4/10...

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

54: Tuesday 8th November 2011

Family birthday stuff... 

and the xmas list is officially formalised :)

Score 5/10: meh.

Monday, 7 November 2011

55: Monday 7th November 2011

erm... blogging days behind. Not easy when you have a memory like a concussed fish... 

Monday... ... ... ... MONSTER CAKES!!!!!! that was it. A hunt around leicester for the components and another blue kitchen.

Score: 6/10 - really need a better memory

Sunday, 6 November 2011

56: Sunday 6th November 2011

Awesome finds at a carboot always put me in a good mood. I can't help it I'm a bargain hunter!!! That reminds me I had some online bargains to buy :P Says the girl with a hatred of shopping.

That whole concept could probably have me on a psychologists couch. But what the hey. 

Totally shattered. In a good way :)

Score: 7/10. ready for a week........

Saturday, 5 November 2011

57: Saturday 5th November 2011

And today I have discovered that my fear of spiders is pretty much gone! Only do I maintain that they are bacteria covered critters and should not be around the home. 

This I discovered cleaning out my mum's garage. There were live ones, corpses and even a disabled spider with only the use of half his legs! But he was one of the nasty ones with like a bulbous butt! Gross! All are now outside the garage and part of the food chain again. 

other things are a bit chaotic in my head but nothing of interest to the world... 

Score: 6/10.

Friday, 4 November 2011

58: Friday 4th November 2011

Hectic or what! By ten in the morning I had been to the housing office, the esa office, wilko and headed back home where the downstairs loo was finally being fixed and my shopping was being delivered.

None of this compares to the epic event I wouldn't wish on anybody. My browser died. Literally wouldn't open. But two friends came to my rescue and I am so glad they did. Is it me or is a pc/laptop breakdown one of the most stressful things in the modern world. I'd take a traffic jam, or moving house anyday! 

Score: initially 5 but thinking about friends 8

oh and the tomatoes are going. a baby slug landed on my hand!!!!!!!

Thursday, 3 November 2011

59: Thursday 3rd November 2011

Another lesson closer to being a tutor :) This week it was the role of the tutor and in an attemot to demonstrate different teaching methods I ended up summarising maslows hierarchy in one sentence (ish) and making a paper boat :)

It took me back to my school days and I realised how different teachers were. Never did I like the sheet work. except for the fact that it avoided working with the other students. Yep as a typical geek I knew the bullies well. But never mind. 

Also we discovered I was the first to send my essay in (by email - how odd is that!) 

Score: 6/10. A day. Nothing more

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

60: Wednesday 2nd November 2011

Having a hospital appointment really does get in the way of getting things done... but never would I miss one. Todays was good news. All bones and extra bits are in the right place after I fell on my hip. The odd grinding noise will go away with rest.

In the fun world, I've started making a costume for the xmas fancy dress. Not for me but still. I actually amazed myself that it turned out ok... so far. It still requires a collar, hat and gloves. And yes Photo's will eventually be added...

Score: 7 - too ordinary but the costume makes up for it. Finally getting some proper use out of my sewing machine.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

61: Tuesday 1st November 2011

Wow looking back it's been quite a day no wonder I pretty much fell asleep as soon as possible.

On the list

9:00am Hospital : O.T. or occupational therapy
 between - looking for old headphones (working or not)
13:00 - 15:00: library work at Highfields library

In fact it ended up

9:00am Hospital : O.T. or occupational therapy (for splints and such
 between - Seeking but not finding old headphones or yellow gloves or cheap hard hat for the innards, 
               - seeking and finding yellow and black material for a hat
               - meeting up with mum
13:00 - 15:00: library work at Highfields library
Evening: went out for a birthday thing with a totally different crowd and it was great fun! couldn't go lazer quest with them but did get to try a new pizza, the godfather and it was a proper pizza. Not one of these things that are 80% base! The pub... the Criterian 

Also got a few presents sorted but not xmas, birthdays. I think this week is when I sort my xmas list properly, and maybe doing a special gathering for special friends who knows.

Score: 7/10: Trying new things!

Monday, 31 October 2011

62: Monday 31st October 2011

'Wiisoup'.... no i didn't make tiny soup, but instead did the one thing that has me shaking! I spent cash for a wii. I've been dilemarising for months! 

  • Should I get one or is it a waste?
  • Should I wait for the new one (for which there are two on the way)?
  • Does it really add exercise to gaming? 
  • I could use it for SBL but there are three in the group already (But I could set up early and no one would be have to carry it)
  • If I do what combo package?

Oh this hurt my head I've abandoned the idea several ideas but now I have a wii! Phew! and guess what. It's my first ever console!

And in a very busy day I even managed to make soup! Never thought I'd be able to since peeling proper veg especially spuds just won't happen. I may be able to do a lot of things but peeling veg is not one of them. But like always I simply decided it was time to adapt. 
With a tin of tinned potatoes (opening that was hard enough) and a fridge bag of carrot and swede (400g) and all the other bits like stock I soon had a soup :D Pictures will come soon. Still trying to fix my phone.

It tasted a bit potatoe-ish so I seasoned with salt and ketchup. Very nice :D

 Score: 6 - 8 / 10 : I can't decide the horror of deciding on the console against actually deciding on it and getting it with making soup for the first time... 

Photo update: (11th Oct) 


Sunday, 30 October 2011

63: Sunday 30th October 2011

Got up. played magic. fetched missing ingredient for homemade soup (potatoes), printed SBL christmas meal tickets. Played magic.

The upside it was all with interesting people/friends :)

and while my laptop is ill its the webcam to the rescue.  mouse scroll thingy is not working either. Maybe the bug that has had everyone ill for weeks has moved to the computers...

Score: 6/10....

Saturday, 29 October 2011

64: Saturday 29th October 2011


and I mean that in both senses of the words. Seriously I have not watered them in over a week or maybe even two having pretty much put an end to the project. I go in today (a befuddled plan saw me filling the day with odd jobs) to the greenhouse and there are loads of them! little green ones, red ones and those in between. YAY! odd but yay. It didn't fail as much as I thought. 

but you know whats scary... weeks and weeks ago I cut away some of the dead bits. totally brown and sqwidgy vines and leaves if you could call them that. I dropped them onto the rose bed intending to bucket them in the big clean up. But today... I find the biggest best formed tomato sat there!!!!!

How very odd.

Anyway, I'm not actually at home writing this. I'm at a friends on  a very different from mine, PC. Also watching BigBang theory. The one where Penny gets addicted to an online game... explains so much :)

Score: 7/10 - good but original plans would possibly have been better

Photo update: (11th Oct) 


Friday, 28 October 2011

65: Friday 28th October 2011

It is odd! Its like my brain has mutated or lost an ability! Did I ever write essays???

It is seriously wierd after 6 years going back to the class room. I didn't expect it but when I sat down to do the essay my brain said "No" it's like I forgot how to read non-fiction (it's not all fact). 

Then again I've not been doing much reading lately anyway. DARN! WHAT IS THAT!!!!!!

There's this odd noise like a pixie in the walls knocking to come in. it keeps moving, so as soon as it moves closer I'm out of here! 

Here's something to think about, ground rules. You have them in the class room, you have them at work. Where else?

Score: 7/10 though my mind is buzzing with new information I may not sleep

Thursday, 27 October 2011

67 & 66: Wednesday and Thursday 26th and 27th October 2011

I HAVE HOMEWORK!!!!! :d and it feels good.  Just started my pttls course. Thats preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector... over 16's. 

And my specialist subject is... first aid. Was tempted to do I.T. but there are enough techies out there and knowing something as simple as the recovery position or CPR (even just the compressions bit) can save lives.

I think tomorrow I'll set up a working area somewhere and get to work. Yes. I'll have my work in early. 

My apologies for missing yesterdays post got totally distracted by a good friend and Star Trek TNG :) then fell asleep on the sofa. Was watching rubbish about hoarders next thing I know it was halfway through wife swap.Trust me. Star Trek is better by far. 

OOH OOH also got a new project... 

Wednesday Score: 8.1
Thursday Score: 8

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

68: Tuesday 25th October 2011

So I am saddened to report another uneventful day. That is nothing unexpected or exciting happened. I didn't learn or teach anything. So to me its not the most valuable day on that score. However I did manage to have a great meeting with Chris my first officer about SBL stuff and resist the urge to buy magic cards.

Also had a relaxed morning of chores (exhausting but relaxing for the brain) and playing magic with Tom. Still can't get my photo's online but they're not going anywhere.

Which would be best for a fancy dress meal... pirate or borg?

Score: 7/10

Monday, 24 October 2011

69: Monday 24th October 2011

and what did I do off that list? Found a website for a buzzer game and made another 'ickle' hat... though missed the ears... saving that for the denim.

Unfortunately either my phone, cable or laptop are broken. I'll try rebooting....

Update: No that failed, and really spoilt my day. that and the fact that again I find myself doing nothing.

Score: 5/10.

Photo update: (11th Oct) 

I just have no idea how big a babies head is...