Saturday, 15 October 2011

79 & 78: Friday 14th, and Saturday 15th October 2011

The first double post and in fact thats a good thing! 

Seriously, I've actually managed to join the gym and go without wimping out. It made me feel slightly brave and I'm determined to keep going. 

This on top of getting up at 6 for the first time in ages absolutely exhausted me! So definately going to avoid over doing it at the gym. Is it bad when a Gym's shower and even a caravans shower is better than that in your home? I reckon so. Oh well, it leaves room for an upgrade eventually.

Tip of the day:  When looking to buy or rent a place always check for spider and bug liklihood, a good shower and new windows. 

I've also spent a few hours sorting many many many magic cards and tidying (does it ever end????) and often puzzling over priorities on a long to do list.

My phrase in relation to friendship and family,

"People are more important so put it down, turn it off and make the time"

It's really hard to shorten but basically things like Tv shows don't matter so don't avoid friends for the sake of one. (Learnt this a long long time ago)

Score: 8/10: Finally did something on my list :D

Thursday, 13 October 2011

80: Thursday 13th October 2011

I'd class today a success I think.

Mastered physio, figured out some new exercises to do, joining the gym after writing this, and had a good event at Gifts for geeks. Got a new hoodie too, perfect fit which is rare (thanks tom).

The best bit was trying out team games of Magic and resisting the urge to buy a big box of boosters. Did you know magic was created by a mathmatics professor?  Anyway, it's really not wise to waste money on non essentials now-a-days. Then again if we don't have our hobbies and enjoyments what have we got? For now I'll resist. It feels like the hype of the event is in too much control for now.  My phrase when it comes to buying is

"If in doubt, don't."
It's that simple and it saves you an amazing amount of money. As does recycling things.

tip: 2 litre pop bottles make awesome plant pots. Cut them just under half way from the bottom but don't cut completely off (It kind of resembles a puppets mouth) and fill with soil.  You end up with a mini green house, for free.

Score- 8/10: still nothing exciting or new, or amazing...

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

81: Wednesday 12th October 2011

A day of discovery.

In the early hours of the morning, when the milkmen and postmen roam, I was out and seeking a new bus. This time I was heading to Hamilton and I tell you what, I never expected to find a library next to a tesco! 

At least it wasn't in it I suppose. Totally shattered and I think I may sleep for a week so if you don't see me you know why. Not only did I discover a new place I discovered a new path. Librarian. Once I have the strength to stand all day I may well have found a new career. The sorting and tidying, helping kids with homework, and helping with PC's, repairing books, and then the event organising, library promotion, stock rotation etc. It's a job that must not be allowed to die.

On a different train of thought has anyone started their xmas lists? I mean what you're getting for who? Me personally I'm annoyed at the shops for starting xmas before halloween has even been!!!!!! RAGE!!!!

Score - 8/10: Nice to be on a path :)

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

82: Tuesday 11th October 2011

A day of madness...

A day of tingles, numbness and pain
The hospital leaflet actually calls your early twenties as the years of wisdom, hence the name wisdom teeth. here's mine. See the hook on the bottom? that can get stuck or snap off. Luckily mine came out whole. 

Score- 6/10: how on earth would you score this one ?!?

Monday, 10 October 2011

83: Monday 10th October 2011

Trying new things is a good thing and finding out new stuff is usually useful right?

Today I discovered stress releases hormones/chemicals that make you put on weight. There was a lot of science to what I read, most of which didn't stick, but it's worth remembering. If only I could find the info online...

I've also been reading how green tea is good for you in many ways. The one that peaked my interest being that it can help reduce inflamation that is the effect of my 'wonderful' arthritis (note the sarcasm). But I remember trying it before and it tasted vile even with sugar. Way too bitter. 

Turns out I'm not the only one who thinks so. I found a blueberry and green tea which is very nice. Lets see if it makes a difference.

Score- 7/10: ... oddly the number 7 seems negative... and I've been told my '...' are negative too. interesting.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

84: Sunday 9th October 2011

Tidy Tidy Tidy  Tidy Tidy Tidy  Tidy Tidy Tidy  Tidy Tidy Tidy  Tidy Tidy Tidy  Tidy Tidy Tidy  Tidy Tidy Tidy  Tidy Tidy Tidy  Tidy Tidy Tidy  Tidy Tidy Tidy  Tidy Tidy Tidy  Tidy Tidy Tidy  Tidy Tidy Tidy

Score 6/10: tidy house tidy mind