Saturday, 17 December 2011

15: Saturday 17th December 2011

I never knew how awesome the southfields library was. Basement, theatre... very cool. besides that nothing much today besides setting up for a gathering.

For the first time the festive season is making me notice friends and how valuable they are. Maybe one day trek worthy friendships will be plausable...

Score: 6/ 10 - did nothing new but did make a discovery so not a total loss.

Friday, 16 December 2011

16: Friday 16th December 2011

What a busy day! Or rather, a long evening, dressed in my baseball outfit I headed to the Phoenix for SBL's and section 31's Christmas meal. Was a fun night yet as predicted I wasn't there to enjoy but host, and that is what I enjoy yet I fear I have lost the skill. But thats another days thoughts.. For now I'm getting ready for annother shift at Pork Pie Library. Have you ever been? I'm not sure it looks like a pork pie and it's actually southfields library but very few people call it that.

Anyone know where it got its name from?

I've decided it being christmas isn't an excuse for doing nothing new or interesting.

Score: 7/10 Bonus! I got a present delivered by a robot! (When I eventually realised the name tag was for me) Thank you Mark, 

And a massive thank you to Paul, nat and jamie for all their help and Richard from Retroactive for making it an awesome night.

(oh if anyone got a picture of my costume could you email me?

Thursday, 15 December 2011

17: Thursday 15th December 2011

I really should write my blogs when I get home in the evening but to be honest I am usually asleep by then. So instead I find myself struggling to remember what I have done. 

I know this day, Thursday I went for feedback on an interview and discovered I got down to the final four which was good. I also saw mum, went to my course and ticked too many of the dyslexia symptoms in a lesson on communication. Also went to a friends then home. Haven't watched the final apprentice yet ... 
The annoying thing is a remember there was something I really wanted to write here but can I remember what it was? Nope.  Though I have noticed that an aweful lot of people seem to be really ill or tired. Actually more so than when swineflu hit...

Will ponder the missing thought.

Score: 6.5, no actually 7. Got a good deal and found the last present of the season.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

18: Wednesday 14th December 2011

So what have I done today? Brought the last part of my costume... some blue football socks to go over my wonderful anti-bloodclot stockings as I call them. The particular brand I have been given can be found here but their website explains an aweful lot about them that the doctors never really went into.

For instance they help with preventing/decreasing varicose veins, inflammation of the veins, thrombosis (blood clots), and venous ulcers... all by compressing your legs to improve blood flow back up them. I wonder why all socks are not designed to do this?

Any way thats all gloomy since I have to wear the very difficult to put on stockings until april 2013! 
No matter. I also brought 4 colours of icing for cupcakes. one set requires just the yellow and midget gems, the other red, white and black. Can you guess what they are?

Score: 6/10 it would have been a 7 but the cold got in the way too much.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

19: Tuesday 13th December 2011

Two new things today :D 

I made a potato rostie with bacon. ok the potato and onion came in a pre-packed/diced pack but I still chopped the bacon and fried it. Nice but I need practice and to figure out what to put with it.

The second new experience was going to the gym... for a personal training session! It was odd. I was expecting to get there and the assistant not know anything of arthritis and hip operations but he had a vague clue so we went from there and his specialty is matching machines/exercises to what you want to improve. Mimicking. I found machines I'd never even seen before. Ones to help with strengthening hip muscles, and one for my arms that mimics using crutches in a way. Definitely worth the hour and I didn't feel stupid or embarrassed at all (even wearing my marvel heroes t-shirt lol) 

Score: 7.5/10

Monday, 12 December 2011

20: Monday 12th December 2011

Plans are coming together slowly no matter how many 'bumps' the 'verse throws at me. So HA! things will work.

On a more random note, I found some of my old character creations/avatars...

 It makes me want to get out the sketch book again.

Score: 6/10. determination gets you a long way.

Sunday, 11 December 2011

21: Sunday 11th December 2011

Oops,  meant to go to the gym today... instead finished decorating then became very dissapointed, then neutral again.

we had a gathering planned, and the SBL one planned with an awesome costume for Cloudane (AKA tom). But the wonderful world of work means he can come to neither and this really annoyed me. We were both looking forward to the events and now they will not be the same at all. 

But I'll have to get a photo of the costume on here... it's worth getting feedback on to make the next even better!

And if anything we can adapt. It's a good use of the logic "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one" know to me from Star Trek. I mean the party must go on right? so Friday will be party time for SBL.

 A philosophy of mine is alo from star trek, a show that really got me through secondary school and formed quite a bit of my personality or psych.... "I.D.I.C." Infinate Diversity in Infinate Combinations. Basically the more of a mix a nation/planet/ team/ group is the better, and we should strive for diversity. To be everyone fits somewhere and has a skill they just have to find it.

In a different train of thought I was amused today when my online shopping site sent me a useful email. It introduced me to a site with free and rentable tv and films that can be used with any online device. worth checking out in my books. Also started work on a present for a baker who has everything. Fingers crossed it comes out ok. 

Ever so sleepy, and I just realised that the sleepier I am when I write this or the more coffee I've had the more random and abstract the blog becomes...
Score: 6.5/ 10, off to read comments now :) and add a picture of the lego tree