WOOOOOOO! Got my photo's online. Simple really, I took the memory card out of the phone like suggested and convinced it to talk to the lap top.
Also went to the gym for the first time by myself. cheated and played my DS on the bikes.
Just realised a) I know some cool people but unfortunately they only know me as the captain and b) its surprisingly tempting to include smilies in my writing. Does that mean it's becoming a language? and c) it's bloody cold out.
Score: 7/10 except for a mild 'meh' feeling that requires locking up
oh and I also got my hair cut the other day but hated it so much I went back today and they 'fixed' it. The only issue now is will I be able to replicate the salon hair?
when are you going to dye it green?
ReplyDeletesoooooo tempting!