Another Thursday and another PTTLS course. It's getting close to 'performing my micro teach and I still havn't quite decided what it'll be. But I will need volunteers to be my practice audience.... Nose bleeds, slings, 999 calls, recovery position, choking etc got to pick something that can be taught in 15 minutes.
What else did I do today... Oh the interview. for a job I'd actually love. Library assistant at my old library of over ten years, the library where I started SBL, with hours that would let me continue SBL, nd maybe even pick up my archery and red cross again. Also minutes from my mum's house and only two buses to get to in the mornings. But alas I did not get it though I did get to the final 4 so thats something and the person who called said she really liked my interview and another said they would like to work with me some time so who knows.
Score: 6/10. Part of me wants to be in a bad mood but then part of me is like 'whats the point in that?'
Sorry you didn't get the job, but I'm sure they will call you back!
ReplyDeleteYou are a born organiser, and if there's one thing a library needs, it's an organiser.