Saturday, 26 November 2011

36: Saturday 26th November 2011

Another SBL event and I wonder why I still enjoy organising events. Seems alien to others but what the hey. Captain Sam I am lol 

Oh and there is nothing wrong with the Mario Bro movie... except maybe the fungus father. 

Back at home mum helped put up some pictures and now the house looks more grown up. Until I decorate for xmas with Pokemon and warhammer... 

score: 7/10 good times but would have liked seeing more of the old faces....

Friday, 25 November 2011

37: Friday 25th November 2011

A totally chilled day and when my mind chills it soon craves a project. This time I emded up making pizza from scratch :D My dough looked like proper dough which shocked me lol even better me and Tom tag teamed it though you will never catch me eating a prawn pizza! 

And here's the secret project I completed the other day...cheesy I know but it made smiles

Score: 8/10 

Thursday, 24 November 2011

38: Thursday 24th November 2011

Don't you just love it when a present is perfect for a friend :D I do. I Love giving presents and today I picked up the a perfect pressie.

if I ever won lots of money (impossible as I don't gamble) the world would be a better place...

  • I'd make use of the empty desolate field next to my old secondary school and make it into a solar farm with very interactive and useful school links to create the solar engineers of the future and provide power to the surrounding estate. Any school I could find would become solar powered and I'd set up a fund or charity including a research development site to make as many things solar as possible.

  • I'd buy all my family houses :) (solar powered ofcourse)

  • I'd build a geek themed hotel e.g. decorated trek, gate, firefly style etc possibly above a geek department store generating loads of jobs and I wouldn't be afraid to take on apprentices.  This would also provide a free venue to community clubs. 

  • I'd also like to rescue and restore old/classic buildings

  • I'd buy outright the Secular hall or get my old sensie a big shop in the city centre if he wanted it.

and there are another million projects in my head :D 

but it's not likely to happen... though I wont stop trying

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

39: Wednesday 23rd November 2011

'wrap your head' hehe a quote from a funny movie...and possibly a new phrase.

Anyway as I mentioned its vitamin D's turn under the microscope. Turns out my level (15 nmol or some such measurement) is classed as a severe defficiency and supposedly it is a very VERY common occurance in Leicester. So for those of us in the city with a curious or worried mind here's what I've figured out beyond the fact that vitamins are a major issue:

Symptoms in adults

  • symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are often very nonspecific or vague
  • in severe deficiencies the classical (typical) symptoms include bone deformities. 
  • General vague aches and pains are the common symptoms.
  • In more severe deficiency, there may be more severe pain and also weakness. This may lead to difficulty standing up or climbing stairs, or can lead to the person walking with a 'waddling' pattern. This is known as osteomalacia.
  • Bone pains may develop and are typically felt in the ribs, hips, pelvis, thighs and feet.
  • in kids it can cause rickets which I've heard mentioned before... 

 Who gets it?

Any one, but particularly  "People with pigmented (dark coloured) skins. This includes black and Asian people"

How to solve it?

According to that site we get about 90% of our vitamin D from sun exposure and its reaction with the chemicals in our skin, and this is lucky as food barely contains any. The funcky thing is we can store it for later else who knows what would happen in the winter! 

The solution for a defficiency would seem to be suppliments which I'm off to get tomorrow. Hopefully they will contain b12 too as it was suggested I stop the multivitamin.

The scary thing is I may have had this forever! Think about it, I'm part asian, I've always been small, I've had arthritis forever and thats basically the aches and pains mentioned and my recept HIP operation was because it had become deformed over the years. And I'm a geek so stereotypically not outside much...

Thankfully my deficiency was found while checking the b12 levels else it would have gone undiscovered I hope it's not too late for me... I do wonder if this is the cause of my hip trouble and if so why couldn't someone have spotted it sooner!!!!!!! I reckon some kind of machine that lets you check your physical stats at home would save the nation. Literally. Maybe something using a drop of blood like the new Warfarin checker thing. It could tell you vitamin levels and I bet there are other checks that could be included.

Scary stuff really... 

Score: I have no idea...

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

40: Tuesday 22nd November 2011

I think I'm actually begining to get into a gym going routine at last! I'm also sad enough to have considered a reward scheme / visual representation and reminder as encouragement in the form of gold coins (not the chocolate variety)

Other than that I can't remember what I actually did...wait! Physio, collected club t-shirts, gym, home, mario kart.

Phew! That was scary for a moment. Maybe thats why the doctors want to talk to me about my vitamin D. Yes it was my b12 that was an issue now it's D but an interpretation of doctors notes by the reception staff who didn't even know the date failed to fill me with confidence. So I have an early morning appointment tomorrow with an actual doctor.

Score: 7/10 many things done, including another secret seasonal craft project

Monday, 21 November 2011

41: Monday 21st November 2011

Today... lets see. I finished the essay in record time finally having a clear head. Unfortunately I realised it's not long until the next is due on an even vaguer topic of disability and discrimination and equality etc. 

I was at Highfields library today, and actually managed to get the kids section resembling normality and a place of knowledge again rather than a bomb site. It was just what my head needed instead of an arguement about whether vouchers count as an out of pocket expense when splitting the cost of something. Right now I am in the tearing of limbs frame of mind so I am off to try and shush my mind...

Score: 5/10: well duh! and these scores are getting lower!

Sunday, 20 November 2011

42: Sunday 20th November 2011

Today I figured I'd wait for responses to my requests for information to help finish the essay. This left me with a gap in the schedule. I was going to go to the gym but saying I slept past 9 that wasn't wise. Instead I cleaned out the green house ready for winter. 

I then played pointless computer games (it was about all I was up to after that mammoth task) and then chilled at a friends watching the end of Falling skies. Not a bad series so to speak but predictable if you've watched a few 'oh dear hostile aliens have landed' type shows/films. I like the twist though about the harnesses.

Score: 7/10 I got a big task off the list :)