Friday, 21 October 2011

72: Friday 21st October 2011

The SBL Birthday and AGM! 

After a hectic cake hunt I finally made it the clubs AGM only to realse I had brought the wrong rucksack!!! Epic fail. It had the awards and entire plan in there. Luckily Tom and Heather came to the rescue rushing back to the house. 

Amazingly the club (Star Base Leicester the city's scifi and fantasy club) has been running for 6 years! I was only 21 when it started and thats kind of mind blowing. 6 years... ... in that time I've had 4 jobs, 3 homes and 1 operation and I'm not the only one... people have grown with the group... and trust be when we invade somewhere its a sight to see :) our biggest events reach 35 people :D 

Sometimes I do wonder if anyone appreciates the club, the work and time it takes etc but then I get votes for member of the year even when I'm not included and people saying they've nothing negative to feed back they like the club as it is. That makes me smile. I did win it once and that was cool.

Me doing the hopefully not too boring AGM bit

CAKE! we actually had three lol

Thursday, 20 October 2011

73: Thursday 20th October 2011

I am amazed. Totally. It was recently suggested I might be missing some vitamins, the B12 variety in particular and this can be a major problem. Especially if you don't have a lot of meat in your diet. It can cause all sorts of things; 

  • Fatigue
  • depression
  • poor memory
  • muscle aches and pains
  • tingling sensations in hands and feet
  • irratability
  • and of course at the extreme end of the scale severe and irreversible damage, especially to the brain and nervous system

there's plenty more symptoms and I should have noticed sooner. The bloods have been sent off but looking at my diet and the symptoms I'm definately missing something so I've started taking a multivitamin. Just a cheap supermarket one but already (day 2) I can tell the difference. I feel 'awake' again for the first time since the op if not before hand. 

But hold on a second. Anyone who know's me will know I'm not a fan of 'medication' and artificial sources of such things. So while these are fixing the problem I intend to fix my diet. For those that are interested B12 is found in; 
  • fish and shellfish, 
  • meat (especially liver),
  • poultry, 
  • eggs, (but they also contain a factor that blocks absorption)
  • milk, 
  • and milk products.
  • Certain insects such as termites contain B12 (Hell no!)

Here's a table from the site I linked back up at the top.

I can work with that... 

Score 7/10: lots achieved/completed, and a 'things are looking up' kind of feeling
(and remember I'm not an expert- see your doctor)

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

74: Wednesday 19th October 2011

A second day at the gym, and exhastion. But the good kind. I'm really hoping to fix my limp with all this exercising its so exhausting walking wobbly! Anyone who's been there knows exactly what I mean. For the rest of you try walking with one foot on tiptoe. 

Right now though my head is likely to explode. Even with the to do list in my phone and the one in the diary there is an overflow! but hopefully it'll be a fun weekend. (Party friday, megazone saturday, jurassic park on the big screen sunday) How could it get any better?

Well being able to actually play megazone would be nice. Maybenext time.

For now I'm signing out to tackle the to do list and find some party music. Wish me luck.

Score 7/10 - it feels good to work :)

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

75: Tuesday 17th October 2011

Real Steel. The first movie to make me laugh in a long time. Totally the underdog formula to the point where you could predict the entire plot but this was well done and a story nicely told. Except for the ending, a bit of a sharp 'cut'. But I tell you what it was awesome watching it with friends and according to Tom the girls (including me :p) must have liked it because we were cackling so much. Laughter is contagious after all. 

If you've never invaded a cinema with a whole bunch of friends I highly reccomend it. 

on a different note the handful of tomatoes I rescued have finally decided to ripen taking the term late bloomers to a new extreme. 

and who can guess what my latest mini green house started life as?

Score: 8/10 : throw in a bit of first aid training and it wasn't a bad day.

Monday, 17 October 2011

76: Monday 17th October 2011

Today was a day of planning, compiling and organising (and not evil plotting in the slightest) and one day soon plans will come together!

The club birthday, the club xmas party, paper work, and still organising magic cards. Best bit was seeing my sisters Uni Halls. It even smells like new halls, brought back memories of lincoln except her's is a funky shaped room compared to my old squ...rectangle. Though we never had so many odd little noises. I even heard what sounded like a depressed air freshner.

Lincoln was beautiful in the snow and sunshine...

Then the students awoke lol

On it's way the garden project, converting from tomatoes to onions!

Score 6/10: busy, productive but far from exciting.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

77: Sunday 16th October 2011

My first thought at opening this page is usually, What did I do today?

Well, not a lot. Managed to carry my own shopping (after the hip operation), sorted more cards, and went for 'brunch'. Which to be honest is one of the oddest inventions ever.

Went to two new places in Leicester. A posh cafe place called le bistrot pierre in town, and I tried brioche and it tasted like... ...  ... bread. The second place was a well hidden hotel begining with M up near bbc radio leicester. Look up somtime and you may see its balcony. However I am concerned for its lack of stairs. It's just a lift and what do you not use ...? 

Much of the day spent on Minecraft :)

Score - 6/10: a bit unproductive for my liking.

and at his feet be the entrance to a grand cave system., and this was done in the normal game. No gifts from a server :D