Saturday, 5 November 2011

57: Saturday 5th November 2011

And today I have discovered that my fear of spiders is pretty much gone! Only do I maintain that they are bacteria covered critters and should not be around the home. 

This I discovered cleaning out my mum's garage. There were live ones, corpses and even a disabled spider with only the use of half his legs! But he was one of the nasty ones with like a bulbous butt! Gross! All are now outside the garage and part of the food chain again. 

other things are a bit chaotic in my head but nothing of interest to the world... 

Score: 6/10.

Friday, 4 November 2011

58: Friday 4th November 2011

Hectic or what! By ten in the morning I had been to the housing office, the esa office, wilko and headed back home where the downstairs loo was finally being fixed and my shopping was being delivered.

None of this compares to the epic event I wouldn't wish on anybody. My browser died. Literally wouldn't open. But two friends came to my rescue and I am so glad they did. Is it me or is a pc/laptop breakdown one of the most stressful things in the modern world. I'd take a traffic jam, or moving house anyday! 

Score: initially 5 but thinking about friends 8

oh and the tomatoes are going. a baby slug landed on my hand!!!!!!!

Thursday, 3 November 2011

59: Thursday 3rd November 2011

Another lesson closer to being a tutor :) This week it was the role of the tutor and in an attemot to demonstrate different teaching methods I ended up summarising maslows hierarchy in one sentence (ish) and making a paper boat :)

It took me back to my school days and I realised how different teachers were. Never did I like the sheet work. except for the fact that it avoided working with the other students. Yep as a typical geek I knew the bullies well. But never mind. 

Also we discovered I was the first to send my essay in (by email - how odd is that!) 

Score: 6/10. A day. Nothing more

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

60: Wednesday 2nd November 2011

Having a hospital appointment really does get in the way of getting things done... but never would I miss one. Todays was good news. All bones and extra bits are in the right place after I fell on my hip. The odd grinding noise will go away with rest.

In the fun world, I've started making a costume for the xmas fancy dress. Not for me but still. I actually amazed myself that it turned out ok... so far. It still requires a collar, hat and gloves. And yes Photo's will eventually be added...

Score: 7 - too ordinary but the costume makes up for it. Finally getting some proper use out of my sewing machine.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

61: Tuesday 1st November 2011

Wow looking back it's been quite a day no wonder I pretty much fell asleep as soon as possible.

On the list

9:00am Hospital : O.T. or occupational therapy
 between - looking for old headphones (working or not)
13:00 - 15:00: library work at Highfields library

In fact it ended up

9:00am Hospital : O.T. or occupational therapy (for splints and such
 between - Seeking but not finding old headphones or yellow gloves or cheap hard hat for the innards, 
               - seeking and finding yellow and black material for a hat
               - meeting up with mum
13:00 - 15:00: library work at Highfields library
Evening: went out for a birthday thing with a totally different crowd and it was great fun! couldn't go lazer quest with them but did get to try a new pizza, the godfather and it was a proper pizza. Not one of these things that are 80% base! The pub... the Criterian 

Also got a few presents sorted but not xmas, birthdays. I think this week is when I sort my xmas list properly, and maybe doing a special gathering for special friends who knows.

Score: 7/10: Trying new things!

Monday, 31 October 2011

62: Monday 31st October 2011

'Wiisoup'.... no i didn't make tiny soup, but instead did the one thing that has me shaking! I spent cash for a wii. I've been dilemarising for months! 

  • Should I get one or is it a waste?
  • Should I wait for the new one (for which there are two on the way)?
  • Does it really add exercise to gaming? 
  • I could use it for SBL but there are three in the group already (But I could set up early and no one would be have to carry it)
  • If I do what combo package?

Oh this hurt my head I've abandoned the idea several ideas but now I have a wii! Phew! and guess what. It's my first ever console!

And in a very busy day I even managed to make soup! Never thought I'd be able to since peeling proper veg especially spuds just won't happen. I may be able to do a lot of things but peeling veg is not one of them. But like always I simply decided it was time to adapt. 
With a tin of tinned potatoes (opening that was hard enough) and a fridge bag of carrot and swede (400g) and all the other bits like stock I soon had a soup :D Pictures will come soon. Still trying to fix my phone.

It tasted a bit potatoe-ish so I seasoned with salt and ketchup. Very nice :D

 Score: 6 - 8 / 10 : I can't decide the horror of deciding on the console against actually deciding on it and getting it with making soup for the first time... 

Photo update: (11th Oct) 


Sunday, 30 October 2011

63: Sunday 30th October 2011

Got up. played magic. fetched missing ingredient for homemade soup (potatoes), printed SBL christmas meal tickets. Played magic.

The upside it was all with interesting people/friends :)

and while my laptop is ill its the webcam to the rescue.  mouse scroll thingy is not working either. Maybe the bug that has had everyone ill for weeks has moved to the computers...

Score: 6/10....