Saturday, 12 November 2011

50: Saturday 12th November 2011

Half way! ish... and I did a lot of ish-y things which equated to not a lot. But in fact had a good time chilling with a friend and watching Falling skies. Who ever told me I should watch it, thank you. It's not half bad.

However I really am begining to think I should re-evaluate the worth of productiveness compared to quality of activity...

Score: 7/10...

Friday, 11 November 2011

51: Friday 11th November 2011

WOOOOOOO! Got my photo's online. Simple really, I took the memory card out of the phone like suggested and convinced it to talk to the lap top.
Also went to the gym for the first time by myself. cheated and played my DS on the bikes.

Just realised a) I know some cool people but unfortunately they only know me as the captain and b) its surprisingly tempting to include smilies in my writing. Does that mean it's becoming a language? and c) it's bloody cold out. 

Score: 7/10 except for a mild 'meh' feeling that requires locking up

oh and I also got my hair cut the other day but hated it so much I went back today and they 'fixed' it. The only issue now is will I be able to replicate the salon hair?

Thursday, 10 November 2011

52: Thursday 10th November 2011

For once I actually have been pondering today. Many of my ponders I forget or file away for further thought later some I think about for a while.

For instance a reoccurring thought revolves around individual transport for both 'able bodied' people and those of us that need to adapt in some way or other. I mean how 'old' and demeaning are mobility scooters and wheel chairs? (Not so bad if you've got a high tech or sports chair... but still?) and how about those who just can't walk that far but can manage a bit. Would you take their walking away from them totally? how wrong is that! I can tell you any bit of freedom is worth fighting for.

The other day I caught myself designing a 3 wheeled device...vehicle... contraption... thing! Looked something like a mix between a gold bag on wheels, a wheelchair, and a moon buggy all kind of in an exoskeleton style... had a name for it too but that I'll keep to myself just in case. The big thing was it wasn't seen as an 'aid for the disabled' with all the negative connotations. anyone could use it! 

I've also thought of buying a milkfloat and making it solar powered, and revisiting the sinclair C5 idea. Just never learning to drive as the cost of lessons, car, mot, parking, fuel, etc is way too high short term and the long term cost of the planet is a definite consideration. Can't someone make a car that uses CO2 from the atmosphere? 

I wonder if anyone has ever thought of making a semi auto wheel chair (sports style of course) so that you can manually push yourself or use a kenetically charged motor when you're too tired? or any kind of non petrol motor I suppose.

oooh I like the idea of a motored recumbent bike... look up recumbent bike if you haven't a clue...

Score: 6/10. I also brought some stuff online which always makes me feel up to date and I'm more determined that ever to go to the gym 2 if not 3 times a week. So far that habit has eluded me.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

53: Wednesday 9th November 2011

Today was both productive and horrible at the same time. 

I was up early and found 2 components to a fancy dress costume (and the shop made a pricing error so I got one really cheap. Did feel guilty but they make enough money as it is.)

Met Chris and handed over SBL tickets (we're havng an awesome xmas event - fingers crossed)

met mum and nin, had food... egg instead of ham sandwich for once.

and the horrible bit... I had my hair cut. It's a nightmare! I hate it everytime because I'm yet to find a stylist who can handle thick hair and not make me look like a boy. Oh well. Good job I have lots of hats. it's not too bad this time but as usual I can't get it to look like the stylist made it look. Oh well at least it's not a phobia... no fear involved just hatred.

score: 4/10...

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

54: Tuesday 8th November 2011

Family birthday stuff... 

and the xmas list is officially formalised :)

Score 5/10: meh.

Monday, 7 November 2011

55: Monday 7th November 2011

erm... blogging days behind. Not easy when you have a memory like a concussed fish... 

Monday... ... ... ... MONSTER CAKES!!!!!! that was it. A hunt around leicester for the components and another blue kitchen.

Score: 6/10 - really need a better memory

Sunday, 6 November 2011

56: Sunday 6th November 2011

Awesome finds at a carboot always put me in a good mood. I can't help it I'm a bargain hunter!!! That reminds me I had some online bargains to buy :P Says the girl with a hatred of shopping.

That whole concept could probably have me on a psychologists couch. But what the hey. 

Totally shattered. In a good way :)

Score: 7/10. ready for a week........