Friday, 30 December 2011

2: Friday the 30th December 2011

A day of painting! not the picture kind but the small model kind, today was the Swooping Hawkes of Eldar.  Sounds kind of epic don't they? But they take time to paint well and I still don't do a fantastic job but its very theraputic. 

Good to have a day off at last and finally shut off the to do list.

Score: 7.5/10

Thursday, 29 December 2011

3: Thursday the 29th December 2011

A visit from family, presents from a far away aunt and an amazingly long day staying up to see Cloudane home at 1am!!!!

I am especially glad I didn't get a job at the cinema so long ago.

only the rest of today and two more days before the start of 2012. I was recently asked what my plans were for the year and I instantly thought of next year. But then realised they meant this year. These last few days and a celebration. But I have no plans. 

Question... is the celebration for starting the new year or finishing the last?

Score: 6.5/10

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

4: Wednesday the 28th December 2011

First ponder of the day: I think by accident I am actually completing the a-z of jobs... a strange concept from the year I graduated. 

  • Customer service/call centre 

  • Library assistant

  • Retail grunt 

I know its only three and I intend tobecome a fully fledged librarian if not first aid trainer. 

Second ponder: I wonder if I could design and make a trouser/dress/suit thing in the old style like merlin era or oriental.

Third ponder... I still don't like the first Trek movie but watching it with others isn't so bad

Score: 7... this in between time is a nightmare of inaction and confusion

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

5: Tuesday the 27th December 2011

Shopping and buying nothing is a novelty. Well in that the sales seem to not exist. I have no idea what the crowds out there are buying. Or maybe there is just nothing that I am needing. It's a nice thought really. 

Here's hoping everyone had a great time with friends or family or a combination for it these that are celebrated in this more secular world and they are honestly invaluable.

Score: 6.5/10... too many thoughts of the new year in my head. It's like the room full of directionally confused stairs in there.  This inbetweenie bit is clearly the time for contemplation, change and path finding.Good luck to all.

Monday, 26 December 2011

6: Monday the 26th December 2011

A big family meal and much busyness. litterally dropped asleep as soon as I returned.

Score: 7/10 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Edit: This is what we built yesterday :D it even glows in the dark!

Sunday, 25 December 2011

7: Sunday the 25th December 2011

I'm officially a grown up as I did not wake to past 8! but still it was great fun seeing the presents opened and relaxing for the day. Got lots of new wii games and while some I'm not repaired enough for yet I can definately play the others! 

Here's some pictures of the dino egg. The simpist present but one of great amusement. Thank you to the giver.


Score: 8/10 dinner cooked for me with gravy and sprouts. Awesome!!!