Monday, 14 November 2011

49: Sunday 13th November 2011

Maybe I should get a camcorder? or one of those extreme sports ones you can attach to a helmet/hat. Then again my last big purchase and the biggest of the year as far as I can remember has been a bit of a flop. The wii... like many I played it once or twice and now it sits there. But I have been amazingly busy and I'm not one for playing games on my tod. 

Does anyone know where that phrase "on my tod" came from or just the word tod...

Score 5.5/10 Spent way too long and way too much energy finishing the black mage project...


  1. Yes, Tod Sloan was a famous jockey and in Cockney Rhyming Slang;
    Tod Sloan = Alone.
    So to be on my Tod, is a contraction of that.
    Similar to 'On me Jack Jones.'

  2. Ooh, like the Sam Cam. Wait, that's the Prime Minister's wife?

  3. Yes Mark, that's the PM's wife's name.
