Friday, 2 December 2011

30: Friday 2nd December 2011

A day of more shopping but more importantly I got my feedback from the last library interview. Simply put I got all the information but needed to be more indepth. Just shows how out of practice is am. 

I also made a decision. I want to learn to drive.

What finally made me see the logic? Well I haven't I still think its stupid when the planets in such a state but I have not only been refused a job... My application wasn't even accepted for lack of a license! Research will commence. 

Score: 6/10. Who knows where this day will lead

Thursday, 1 December 2011

31: Thursday 1st December 2011

A nice chilled day shopping with mum, got a bit annoyed at one shop who said store A had 5 of a particular toy but couldn't find any, store b had 4 but couldn't find and and the nearest store with any was syston! 

Luckily I went by store B and checked myself and there it was! Fools! even worse I found it in the original shops window when going home!!! grrr but no matter. 

The PTTLS session was good starting to work on Micro teaches. a 15 minute session we have to teach I'm trying to decide which bit of first aid to cover... most likely option so far is nose bleeds. Don't worry no pictures will appear... 

score: 6/10

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

32: Wednesday 30th November 2011

Last day of November and surprising I keep being told by stuck up sales staff they have their shopping done already! is this a new strategy? Sorry but it will not make me deviate from the list.

Only one or two more  bits to get and we're set. other than xmas fever looks like I didn't get a job at the library (probably not wise to mention possible improvements in the interview) and come to think of it probably too many hours anyway. This hip and scar are still not right!

Score: 5/10, not much really...

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

33: Tuesday 29th November 2011

Xmas shopping#1 A massive long list and a trundle (suitcase) and we only got half done. Its a good thing we like giving presents :P 

Did watch an xmas movie and fancied making a green and red hat afterwards, but somehow I don't think so. I'm going to now pass out into sleep ready for day 2

Score: 5/10 - if only shopping was more fun

Monday, 28 November 2011

34: Monday 28th November 2011

Essay number 3... equality and diversity... another all day job... but an interesting one. Do not worry I shall not post it. But I did make my own model of how learner diversity effects the different tasks of teaching. 

Score: 6.5 -7/10

Sunday, 27 November 2011

35: Sunday 27th November 2011


Well sort of, I knew where we were going and had been trying to get there for a while... Today was the day and we made it Warhammerworld in Nottingham. That's right. A major geek attraction right here in the eastmidlands and it's not bad either. Better if you play the game and take an army I guess but just the hall of fame and castle themed hall and lifesize space marines are worth seeing. 

Score: 6/10. Tiring. Very tiring but never got lost (one street out doesn't count)