Saturday, 27 September 2014

Day 4 magic and movies

Today I watched a magic tournament while looking for cards. For those that dont know magic is Magic the Gathering a card game with many strategies and cards.

I didn't enter the tournament but knew two of the players. Afterwards I tried table tennis doubles... And chaos was created. That one will take some practice.

then on to SBL's movie night where we watched some cool and some odd stuff. (

but my rant for the day is about sizes! Why is it we can not have universal sizes? I ordered a shirt from Redbubble for a friend even buying one larger than be usually wears. When it arrives its tiny! Even worse they want me to send it back at my own expense when the last time something similar happened they just sent the replacement. Grrr why isn't the world straight forward.

today has been... Exhausting.

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