Yesterday I was 14 years old accoring to a retail assistant. Today I was 20 according to a doctor...I'm actually 27! oh well it was not as bad as getting I.D'd for Twilight or ice cream...
In this weeks tournament (Magic the gathering) I came 12th out of 25. Not bad but the best bit was that I didn't feel totally defeated when I was....... welll totally defeated. I just shrugged it off as a good game and moved on :) where as it used to get to me. The bad bit was I brought 4 boosters. Really should just play with the cards I have.
Back in the grown up world of reality, I've a new task to figure out, replacing the letterbox :S ... ... ...
Score 7/10: could be more productive
Score 7/10: could be more productive
He there.. felt much the same way when I bought the pre-made deck, didn't work, even after I added the other 15 cards in.. should trust instincts of building own decks..