Wednesday, 28 September 2011

95: Wednesday 28th September 2011

After all that the notorious tooth remains firmly in my head. They decided to do it on the 11th and just look at it today... oh well.

  This was followed by a pointless trip to the job centre. Lunch was a silly too with mushy peas that didn't mush!

BUT!!!!!! I discovered something today. Something that changes the geek world! 

The Orca whale isn't a whale! well kind of. This random magazine I was reading in the hospital called them dolphins, a little research and they are whales that belong to the dolphin family... And how many times have we all said, "the whale one" when talking about a particular star trek movie. We're only half right.

And did you know how to tell the difference between sharks and dolphins? Watch their 'tail'. Sharks go side to side and dolphins... .... you'll guess it. 

Score 5/10: So today was one of those not great not bad just 'dayish' kinds of day

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