Saturday 29 October 2011

64: Saturday 29th October 2011


and I mean that in both senses of the words. Seriously I have not watered them in over a week or maybe even two having pretty much put an end to the project. I go in today (a befuddled plan saw me filling the day with odd jobs) to the greenhouse and there are loads of them! little green ones, red ones and those in between. YAY! odd but yay. It didn't fail as much as I thought. 

but you know whats scary... weeks and weeks ago I cut away some of the dead bits. totally brown and sqwidgy vines and leaves if you could call them that. I dropped them onto the rose bed intending to bucket them in the big clean up. But today... I find the biggest best formed tomato sat there!!!!!

How very odd.

Anyway, I'm not actually at home writing this. I'm at a friends on  a very different from mine, PC. Also watching BigBang theory. The one where Penny gets addicted to an online game... explains so much :)

Score: 7/10 - good but original plans would possibly have been better

Photo update: (11th Oct) 


1 comment:

  1. Say hi to Aldo for me, I haven't seen him in ages!
